Querétaro places a very high value on its history. That is of course completely justified, as the course of Mexican history has repeatedly been determined by events and people in and around Querétaro. Since we began spending our winters here in 2009, the major non-religious historical structure in town, the Palacio de Gobierno, "Casa Corregidora" on Plaza de Armas, has been transformed in appearance. From the outside, the improvements in details of decoration and especially night lighting have given it an impressive prominance. But the major changes have been in the interior grand patio, where works of art have been created and placed to display illustrious history. Bronze busts of Josefina Ortiz de Dominguez, "La Corregidora" and her husband, Miguel Ramón Sebastían Domínguez Alemán, "El Corregidor" have been placed in prominent positions. The major innovation has been the creation and placement of (so far) three superb murals. Murals by outstanding Mexican artists have instructed the world about the principles and events of Mexican history throughout the past century, in major buildings in major cities. The Querétaro artist, Victor Cauduro Rojas, painted these murals on travertine marble segments, selected by the artist and brought from Oaxaca and Puebla, that are then mounted on the stone walls. The three murals are depictions of events and people during three critical periods in Mexican history. The first, "Independencia", features Padre Miguel Hidalgo and his compatriots who fought the battles of independence from Spain in 1810 to 1820. This mural is dated September 2012 by the artist. The second mural, from March 2014, is titled "Sitio de Querétaro y Restauración de la República" features Benito Juarez and tells the story of the siege of Querétaro and the restoration of the republic after the French invasion and the period of Emperor Maximilian in the 1850s. The third mural, from February 2015, is titled "Revolución y Constitución de 1917" and honors Presidents Francisco Madero and Venustiano Carranza, along with revolutionaries Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. Also featured is the steam locomotive that was so important in these struggles and the Constitution of 1917, created in the Teatro de la Republica here in Querétaro. A fourth mural to follow next year will focus on an eagle, enveloping the great hall in its wings.

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