Danzante Conchero Chichimeca

The statue of a Chichimeca dancer is placed on a pedestal in the Andador 5 de Mayo next to the Templo San Francsico, near where the Andador ends at the Jardin Zenea: certainly one of the most prestigious locations in the city. The plaque on the pedestal reads:

Santiago de Querétaro
Cruce de Caminos y
Encuentro de Culturas.

Un homenaje y reconicimiento que
pueblo y gobierno del estado
hacen al danzante conchero chichimeca.

My translation: The City of Querétaro, a crossroads and meeting place of cultures, its people and government honor and pay homage to the Chichimeca Dancer.

From time to time, local groups who honor the Chichimeca traditions (many of the participants are of native heritage) practice the dances at the statue:

The dances of the Chichimeca are also honored by inclusion in many of the local folk dance performances. This group of excellent dancers are students at the Instituto Tecnológico de Querétaro. They performed at the Plaza Mariano de las Casas in front of Templo Santa Rosa de Viterbo on March 12, 2009.


Another exciting performance by Chichimeca dancers took place at the El Cerrito pyramid on March 21, 2009, to celebrate the Spring Equinox.
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